send: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Analog vs. Digital

Before we learn about digital media, we need to understand analog.

Can you tell me the difference between analog and digital?


Anonymous said...

don't quote me but... Analog is based off of a wave that is modulated. This modulation is interpreted by the computer to mean different things. (hence the old dial up modems they would manipulate sound to get data) whereas digital is more like an off on switch, where you get bits (0,1) arranged in octets to get bytes. Based on if there is a 0 or a 1 the computer then performs an action.

Reality is that a computer is nothing more than something that is REALLY REALLY good at reading 0’s and 1’s.

Anonymous said...

Signals are just data be transmitted, analog and digital are different methods used to transfer them.
the main difference between analog and digital is the quality/quantity. Analog picks up more electrical interference, degrading the quality of the signal. digital signals are controlled, more uniformed keeping the voltage to a sustainable level reducing the excess electrical energy into the line
digital signals are easier to transmit and are less prone to errors giving better quality. with less mistakes, data can be transferred a lot faster our a wire.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Sherman. To try to break it down more Analog is sound waves, Digital is bits (0's and 1's)

Anonymous said...

From what I understand, analog is a grouping of information where as digital is all broken up into single parts and then re-assembled at the final destination. Analog takes up more space to transfer because of the larger chunks but overall keeps the quality in tact. So Analog for sound and quality is better. But for a t.v. where image is more important digital is best. Digital provides high clarity. I am guessing that digital and HDTV is linked because they both pride themselves on high resolution/ quality of the picture.

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