send: Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Individual Project Information

Characteristics of Digital Commerce Entrepreneurs (5pts)

You are required to submit a 2-3 page report and prepare a 2-3 minute oral presentation for the class. You can utilize audio, video, images, etc. I encourage you to be creative. You are limited to 2 PowerPoint slides.

The student will focus in on an entrepreneur from the digital commerce and entrepreneurship industry. The entrepreneur should be an inventor, founder or leader of a technical tool, service or company.

There are two objectives:

  1. Evaluate the entrepreneur and determine his/her personal characteristics, education or lack thereof, professional resume, influences, inventions and/or ventures.
  2. Explain how this entrepreneur utilized Technology. Ask yourself: Was he/she a technician, engineer, inventor, visionary, strategist, or all of the above? What enabled the entrepreneur to achieve the success they have? What was the source of opportunity?


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